Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wardrobe Wish List

Once in a while I think materialistically (thank you, Capitalism!). My birthday is next month, but if that's too soon for you, I can wait until Christmas morning for these…

I LOVE shopping Dr. Jay’s. I already feel like the happiest girl in the world, but with the following items, that feeling would just escalate and I’d feel like the queen of the universe (I might be exaggerating):

I wear a lot of black and white, and with the right pair of jeans, I could make a kick ass outfit with
these Baby Phat sneakers.

Owning sky high boots would be a dream come true, and with the embellishment in the back and the hint of red,
these Apple Bottoms are a stand-out.

In my opinion, Ecko Red is a hit or miss brand, especially when it comes to footwear. However, with the Apple Bottom boots listed above…
this dress would make me feel on top of the world.

Now, moving on from Dr. Jay’s …

I’ve fallen in love with the entire Victoria’s Secret coat collection, but I can't have it all. I get cold easily, so the one I’d choose would be like
wearing summer in December (preferably in hot chocolate or black).

I really like hoodies and I’m feeling
this one from Mandee.

I don’t like traditional clean denim skirts, so
this one from Hollister fits me perfectly.

I went to the Cache website and BAM! found
this halter top, which I really like because this color goes well with my skin tone.

So, I guess that ends the wardrobe wish list…no wait. I've been craving Air Forces for the longest. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into my taste and style, and I especially hope I gave you plenty of ideas for items you can either wrap up and send over to me by Oct. 25th or place under my Christmas tree exactly two months later.

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