Sunday, May 3, 2009


I know it never goes according to how parents wish it could be, but if I had kids, this would be my ideal way of raising them, lol:

  1. I would live in a one-story house, and my bedroom would be in between my kids' bedrooms, if I had at least two kids. There would be no doors to their bedrooms. For like the first five years of their lives, until they make friends and go to other people's houses, they'll be led to believe that kids don't have doors like their parents' rooms, they have cool looking curtains that they get to pick out themselves. Once they rebel and want a bedroom door, I'd just tell them I can't afford one, and if they want one, they'll have to find some way to pay for it.
  2. I wouldn't talk to them in a baby voice when they're little. I'd just talk to them like I'm talking to anyone else. I don't think babies and little kids care if we talk to them in tiny little voices or normally, as long as our tones aren't booming sounds of hatred.
  3. My kids are not going to be dressed looking like farmers (no offense to farmers!). What I mean is, no overalls! They're no longer in style for anyone of any age. Also, I don't want a freakin cow, horse, or a chicken printed or sewn on any of their clothing, unless they choose to wear it. They are dressing cute, but not sickly cute. I don't know why, but animals on kids' clothes bother me. Maybe when they're newly born, I could deal, but I don't want my 3-year-old kid running around with a big fuzzy bear on his or her shirt.
  4. It'd be ingrained into my kids' heads to eat a piece of fruit or have a fruit salad along with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They'd eat balanced meals, and I'd tell them that they can't buy their lunch at school unless they want to be fat and ugly. Yeah, I'll scare them into healthy eating! Why not?
  5. There'd be no such thing as girls or boys-only parties. Every birthday party they'd have will be co-ed because I want them to know it's okay to have friends of the opposite sex, and this could help them with their social skills a lot better.
  6. I'd make it routine to go for a walk or a bike ride every day with them for like however many years it takes them to tell me it isn't cool anymore.
  7. My house would only have two TVs - one in my bedroom, another in the living room. We'd also only have one computer in the living room where I could monitor them (aka - spy if I have to).
  8. If they ask if Santa is real, I'd probably just say, "Where do you think all of your presents come from when I can't even afford bedroom doors?"

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