Friday, July 3, 2009

Mistakes Can Be Blessings

We all stumble. We all swear up and down that we will not screw up.

But sometimes sh** happens, and it happens for a reason. Maybe what we view as a mistake is actually not a's something God divinely set into our lives. Mistakes can be blessings. Like, for instance, you get into a car accident because you made the mistake of not checking all mirrors before changing lanes. But that mistake ends up being a blessing in disguise because now you've learned to be more careful. Or maybe you've made the mistake of telling your friend something that's been bothering you, but you didn't want to tell her. You thought it'd hurt her feelings, but...blessing in disguise. Your slip of the tongue put your friend in check, and now she's corrected her fault.

Don't look at mistakes as errors that you wish did not happen. God puts into place everything in our lives for a reason...mistakes and all. If God put you to it, He can get you through it. Have faith in yourself like He does.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I totally agree with you, Jamie! A real mistake or error is when the person does not learn their lesson.

    I make mistakes constantly, especially in my art, but the fun is learning what I can or cannot do, or even adding to the mistake and making the picture become more vivid!
    Same as with life, I guess that's why they call it trial and error....

    I wish you the best of success and take care as always!
