Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The FAQs of Life...and My Answers to Them

1. If you can't give of yourself, how could you expect anything in return?

YA CAN'T! Life is a balance of give and take, and if you keep on taking you'll eventually get caught for stealing (that was a really bad joke, I know). The more you put in, the more you get. Simply put...but you'll definitely get more if you give unselfishly without expecting something back.

2. Can you love someone else when you don't even love yourself?

I believe people treat others the way they treat themselves without realizing it. If you're really happy with who you are, that'll catch on and people will love you just as much as you love you. However, if you always put yourself down, you may find yourself criticizing others or having a tinge of jealousy. Like, if you wish you were pretty (even though we all know you are!) and you see someone who is attractive, you might judge that person and think, "Yeah, she's pretty which means she's probably a whore," even though most likely she isn't. So, if there are people in your life who try to show how much they love you, you may not see it because you don't think you're deserving of love, or you may just think they're full of crap.

3. Can you really live without regrets?

Yes. The word regret means to feel disappointment. We usually feel regret when we wish a situation turned out differently or never happened at all. Of course, when s*** hits the fan, we wish it didn't happen! However, I think when we ask each other if we have any regrets, we mean to ask if we are able to live with what happened and move on with our lives. It's okay to feel a little disappointed that you didn't get what you want, as long as you are happy with what happened as a result. Sometimes you aren't meant to do something or be with someone because something or someone else that is so much better for you will come along. The world may never know, but the world always falls into place the way you want it to eventually.

4. What is our purpose for living?

That's for you to decide.

Any more questions?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamie, thank you so much for visiting my site and leading me back here. Reading your posts have definitely given me things to consider, and helped give me a more positive perspective on certain things. I'll be more than happy to follow along with your new posts.
