Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wardrobe Wish List

Once in a while I think materialistically (thank you, Capitalism!). My birthday is next month, but if that's too soon for you, I can wait until Christmas morning for these…

I LOVE shopping Dr. Jay’s. I already feel like the happiest girl in the world, but with the following items, that feeling would just escalate and I’d feel like the queen of the universe (I might be exaggerating):

I wear a lot of black and white, and with the right pair of jeans, I could make a kick ass outfit with
these Baby Phat sneakers.

Owning sky high boots would be a dream come true, and with the embellishment in the back and the hint of red,
these Apple Bottoms are a stand-out.

In my opinion, Ecko Red is a hit or miss brand, especially when it comes to footwear. However, with the Apple Bottom boots listed above…
this dress would make me feel on top of the world.

Now, moving on from Dr. Jay’s …

I’ve fallen in love with the entire Victoria’s Secret coat collection, but I can't have it all. I get cold easily, so the one I’d choose would be like
wearing summer in December (preferably in hot chocolate or black).

I really like hoodies and I’m feeling
this one from Mandee.

I don’t like traditional clean denim skirts, so
this one from Hollister fits me perfectly.

I went to the Cache website and BAM! found
this halter top, which I really like because this color goes well with my skin tone.

So, I guess that ends the wardrobe wish list…no wait. I've been craving Air Forces for the longest. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into my taste and style, and I especially hope I gave you plenty of ideas for items you can either wrap up and send over to me by Oct. 25th or place under my Christmas tree exactly two months later.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Letter

My Dearly Beloved Yet Hated,

Pay attention and read carefully...

I hate how you make me so weary and tired, bulldozing me with some pretty damn difficult situations. I try to do the right thing, yet it doesn't seem to please or appease you. You just keep coming at me hard.

I hate the way you make me feel inadequate at times, questioning my confidence, my sincerity, and my motives. I do my best to give my all, but more often than not I've been a failure to you.

Just when I think everything is running smoothly and finally going my way, all of a sudden you throw something at me that ruins my plans or sets me back, and I hate that about you. It's almost like you don't think I deserve to be successful or have things go right.

I hate how you make it hard for me to do what I want. Why can't I just have my fun? Why must it be all work and no play most days? My plate could only be so full, and once in a while, I need some relaxation, and I'd appreciate some alone time.

As much as I hate what you do, I love the little surprises you give me that do nothing but make me smile. Even though you hurt me at times, you make up for it by doing things that make me feel blessed and truly appreciative of you.

I love how you make me feel good about myself. You make me feel so accomplished and able to tackle anything that comes my way. You've given me all that I have ever needed to go after what I want and overcome the bad things that find their way to me once in a while.

I love all of the people I have met through you, and all of the experiences that could not have been possible without you. I have had so much fun so far, and you've given me unforgettable memories. I'm looking forward to more.

So Life, read this carefully. I am so grateful to have you, the entire package, good and bad. Because if it were not for the bad, I wouldn't know how good I've got it. Life, for as long as you're around, this is going to be a love/hate battle. But I am the one who is really in control of this fight, and you will not defeat me.

I hate what you have done to me, but I love the person you are helping me become. Thank you for everything.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sorority Life

It's indescribable.

The saying goes, "It's not four years, it's for life." And it is so true.

I graduated in '08 and whenever I go to see my sisters or go to an event, my parents always say, "Isn't that over? You're still in that sorority?" They don't understand the "for life" concept too well. Then again, a lot of non-Greeks don't understand Greek life too well.

It's not about the parties, the drinking, or "buying your friends." As a matter of fact, something I will never forget is my recruitment in Fall 2006. One of my future sorority sisters stood in front of us Greek wannabes and said, "Whenever anyone tells me that I've paid for my friends, I always say that if it's true, then I didn't pay enough."

Sisterhood is priceless, especially mine. I am a proud sister of Alpha Sigma Tau, Gamma Chi chapter. We fight like family, and just as equally, we're there for one another as if we truly are blood. Non-Greeks criticize us so much, but they will never understand how precious sorority life actually is. How, no matter the time of day, when a sister needs help, a sister is there to provide it. What's special about my sorority is that we're all there for one another, whether we pledged in 1998 or 2008. The majority of us keep in contact with each other, even sisters who didn't attend college at the same time.

Of course, there are sororities and fraternities out there that give Greek life the bad reputation it has, otherwise the rumors and criticisms wouldn't exist. However, there are so many more that live by their ideals, that defend their creeds, and live daily the true meaning of Greek life.

I just felt the need to explain how amazing it is to be a sister of Alpha Sigma Tau because there are too many people out there who associate sororities as being slutty, drunken, bitchy messes that seclude themselves from the rest of the world.

Even though those types may be out there ... we are not that sorority, and I guarantee, you'll find more that aren't that way than those that are. And we don't criticize or make fun of you for not being in a sorority or fraternity, so why talk bad about us for being in one?