Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Your Past... only an indication of your future. It only repeats itself if you don't correct yourself. To progress ourselves, we must check and re-edit ourselves. a series of lessons, and I don't know about you, but I tend to pick and choose which lessons to learn from. I am beginning to realize that I must swallow my pride, admit to my wrongs, and only then can I really mature and grow. To be changed, you must make a change. As simple and logical as that is, it falls under the list of things that are "easier said than done."

...consists of people who make an impact on who you are, consciously or not. I truly believe that every single person I have laid my eyes on, or had some correspondence with, has had an effect on me and who I am. We all judge books by their covers, hence first impressions. Even if we speak to someone, that is most likely still their cover because it takes time to truly know a person, and people don't let you in on who they are until they completely trust you, at least that is how I am at times (sorry, I went off on a tangent). Whenever I see someone, I immediately have an opinion about that person, or I compare myself to that person. I do this all the time without even noticing. For instance, if I saw a girl walking down the street with a really toned body and a nice outfit on, I think about my own body and how I really have to get myself into better shape in order to pull of whatever she is wearing. Human interaction is so important because it helps us learn more about ourselves, not just each other. I believe every single person who I crossed paths with in my life, no matter how briefly, has helped me define who I am. filled with triumphs, failures, happiness, and pain. Depending on who you are, you either thrive from your triumphs and happiness or dwell on your failures and pain. If you thrive from your triumphs and happiness, you will succeed and make the most out of life. However, if you suppress your failures and pain in order to be happy, that could hurt you in the long run. Life is a crazy balance of these opposites, and honey, the sun don't shine forever. It is important to realize life is not all smiles and cupcakes because there are down moments, and if you always expect happiness, when that pain comes at you... it could knock you down because you didn't see it coming. On the other end, if you dwell on your failures and pain, you will only feel like a failure and be filled with pain. Do not overshadow your triumphs and happiness with your pessimism. Life is a crazy balance of these opposites, and honey, darkness falls but the night always ends. It is important to realize that when seemingly too good to be true circumstances come your way, you shouldn't be wondering what's going to come next that could ruin the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...this is so wierd that you posted this because just the other day a person from my past, who I thought I would never see again ended up texting me...and now I remembered the reason why I didn't want to see this person again, no matter what kind of impact that had on me lol.
