Thursday, May 28, 2009


I believe in balance. You can't just think about the negatives and the downside of life; you need to also see the bright side, and vice versa. So, to be fair to yesterday's list, here are my likes:

  • "Hannah Montana." Laugh. Go ahead. It's a guilty pleasure. I think the show is hilarious! I guess it's because I'm a writer, and when I hear a good line, I think, "Damn, Why couldn't I come up with that?"
  • Competition. I'm not really a sore loser, I play one on TV. No, but seriously, it's all an act. I am very competitive, but not very, very good at anything in particular. However, I am pretty decent and when I know I can win but I don't, I think, "Yo, I totally had a chance. How'd I blow it?" If I had my way, I'd play a game until I come out with more wins than losses. But again, I am NOT a sore loser ;)
  • Oldies. I love blasting Stevie Wonder's more upbeat tracks in my car, and I listen to old school Michael Jackson like I'm getting paid to play his songs. I am a sucker for Motown! I like The Temptations, The Four Tops, Jackie Wilson, etc. Motown produced some of the most positive and refreshing music ever. "The Way You Do The Things You Do" is one of my favorite songs. When I had an apartment, I used to pop open the windows and blast this song while cleaning and dancing like a loser...of course, when no one else was around.
  • Windows. Lots and lots of windows. Big windows. Let the sun shine in! Or the stars! I love it when rooms have huge, huge windows and great views. I like how bright the room feels when natural light comes in. I am a daydreamer, and so I think this also has a lot to do with the fact that when I am in deep thought, I tend to look outside.
  • Sleep. I love sleeping, but my body naturally wakes up at like 8 am, no later than 9 am, which is why I tend to post early in the morning moreso than any other time of day. Unless I am going out at night, I try to go to bed by like 11 pm to compensate for the inability to sleep in.
  • The smell of freshly cut grass. If they could bottle it up (unless they already did...sounds like something to Google!) I would totally spray it all over my house.
  • Australian accents. They're just the coolest ever, hands down.
  • Airplane rides. I don't mind 13-hour flights. I think it's because I could literally sleep anywhere, and I think airplane seats are so comfortable! Plus, I like that longer flights play movies and some even provide personal screens so you could watch anything you want at any time. I could live on an airplane. I don't know why I like flying so much, but I do.
  • Unlimited texting. I text a whole lot, and have gotten in trouble for it in the past. When I just have one thing to say, I just text real quick because I don't want to call. I don't want to go through the whole, "Hey, how are you? I'm fine. It's a nice day, huh? Blah, blah blah... Well I'll call you later. Bye." For me it's awkward. I"ll only call when I want to have an actual conversation. Cut out the flowery ish and just go straight to the point and you don't need to prolong a quick message that, in a text, would have just began with what you wanted to tell the person and ended with the person texting back, "OK." Short and sweet, like me :)
  • Tofu. Weird, right? I like tofu with soy sauce, bean sprouts, and mushrooms. I eat strange food. If you know me in real life, then you know not to leave it up to me to cook dinner.

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