Thursday, May 14, 2009

Questions I'd Like to Ask Cops...

These really aren't all that funny, but this was what I was thinking when I was driving home today...

  1. Why do you insist on using your sirens simply to run red lights?
  2. Would you say you are the law, or above it?
  3. Have you ever decided whether or not to issue a ticket based on the song and/or radio station being played in the car you pulled over? Because that is something I would totally do if I were a cop.
  4. Do pretty girls really have a better chance of getting out of a ticket?
  5. Did you become a cop for the extremely slight chance to be able to legally end someone else's life?
  6. Do you pull people over who are less than 5 miles above the speed limit only when you're bored?
  7. Do you make up ridiculous questions when you administer drug or alcohol tests?
  8. Do you tailgate just to make us speed so you can pull us over?
  9. What do you really do with confiscated drugs or alcohol?
  10. Could I please have a PBA card?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Quwwa said...
    Another question to ask. What's your favorite donut? And are they enjoying those restaurant privileges?

    As far as question 4, in some instances you don't have to pretty to get by. A few years ago I knew one coworker who had 7 outstanding warrants, and was pulled over by a cop on her way to work, but she was not taken into custody. He simply told her to take care of those warrants. This wasn't a very pretty woman I'm talking about either. I was taken into custody over a single warrant for lack of insurance. Oh well you know what us black men say about the police.
